Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kyle the morning of his first birthday! We had a great day together - went shopping for new toys and went to lunch with dad. He has so much fun looking around and smiling and waving to everyone. Right now he is still very well behaved when we take him out - I am sure that will change soon.....ah the terrible twos.

One of Kyle's favorite activities at 14 months is to pull everything out of mom's plastic bins and scrapbooking drawers, sit in them and wait for us to zoom him around like a car. Now, he even grabs toys and books along the way to take with him on his ride!

We call Kyle "Captain Chaos" because one of his other favorite things to do is knock things over or create disorder from order (pull clothes out of drawers, toys out of bins....). The game we play is mom and dad try to build a lego tower as fast as we can before Kyle gets to it and knocks it down. This particular time he let dad build the whole thing before he very carefully tore it apart one block at a time!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kyle is almost 11 months old (so begins the scramble realizing we have a one year old birthday party to plan......) and we had our first dr. visit with a clean bill of health since December so we are enjoying every minute. It seems that he may be cursed with the ear infection uck....... He is moving and shaking - getting there on crawling but pulling himself up and unfortunately learning that falling down goes with that - LOVES his big boy bath and in general is a really good spirited baby boy!

His first Easter showing off his farm friends to Nana!

Man, can he lay it on thick!! :)

His favorite toys are the simple stuff (thank goodness) - stacking cups, rings and a water bottle filled with cheerios.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hangin' with Auntie Casey and Papa J

I love Papa's shaved head!

"I got my spot..."

Literally hangin'! Like we could ever recreate that picture again.....

8 Months old!

We can hardly believe how quickly time flies. Kyle has basically been sick since December but he is a trooper (thank you daycare!). He is sitting up all by himself and loves watching the other big boys running around in his class. We are convinced he will walk before he crawls!
We get the biggest kick out of watching him analyze everything. Every time he picks something up it gets turned over and over in his hands like he is figuring it out (OK, maybe he has a little OCD.....).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kyle's new thing is standing. The world seems like a much more interesting place to him now that he can see everything. He tries to hold his own bottle and is definitely showing signs of Mr. Independent!! While I am anxious to get back to work, I have appreciated every moment I have had with him these last few months.
3 months old! I can't believe how he has changed in just a few months. At his two month visit he was 13 lb, 1oz and 24.5 inches long so I can't wait to see where he is at 4 months!!

Let's be clear on the jersey - no Bears fans here; I lost a bet on a game recently (thank you Casey!).